Used to either revive a predecessor issuerKit, or to make a new durable one if it is absent, and to place it in baggage for the next successor.

  • Type Parameters

    • O extends Partial<{
          elementShape: Pattern;
          recoverySetsOption: RecoverySetsOption;
    • K extends AssetKind

      The name becomes part of the brand in asset descriptions. The name is useful for debugging and double-checking assumptions, but should not be trusted wrt any external namespace. For example, anyone could create a new issuer kit with name 'BTC', but it is not bitcoin or even related. It is only the name according to that issuer and brand.

      The assetKind will be used to import a specific mathHelpers from the mathHelpers library. For example, natMathHelpers, the default, is used for basic fungible tokens.

      displayInfo gives information to the UI on how to display the amount.


    • issuerBaggage: Baggage
    • name: string
    • OptionalassetKind: K = AssetKind.NAT
    • OptionaldisplayInfo: AdditionalDisplayInfo = ...
    • OptionaloptShutdownWithFailure: ShutdownWithFailure = undefined

      If this issuer fails in the middle of an atomic action (which btw should never happen), it potentially leaves its ledger in a corrupted state. If this function was provided, then the failed atomic action will call it, so that some larger unit of computation, like the enclosing vat, can be shutdown before anything else is corrupted by that corrupted state. See

    • Optionaloptions: O = {}

    Returns O["elementShape"] extends TypedPattern<T>
        ? IssuerKit<K, T>
        : IssuerKit<K>