Assert that the governed contract was started by the governor. Throws if either direction can't be established. If the call succeeds, then the governor got exclusive access to the governed contract's creatorFacet, and can be trusted to manage its parameters.

  • Parameters

    • zoe: ERef<ZoeService>
    • allegedGoverned: Instance<((zcf: ZCF<GovernanceTerms<{}>>) => {})>
    • allegedGovernor: Instance
    • contractGovernorInstallation: Installation<(<SF>(zcf: ZCF<{
          governed: {
              issuerKeywordRecord: IssuerKeywordRecord;
              label?: string;
              terms: {
                  governedParams: {
                      Electorate: InvitationParam;
          governedContractInstallation: Installation<SF>;
          timer: TimerService;
      }>, privateArgs: {
          governed: Record<string, unknown>;
      }, baggage: Baggage) => Promise<{
          creatorFacet: GovernorCreatorFacet<SF>;
          publicFacet: GovernorPublic;

    Returns Promise<GovernancePair>