This module and its fraternal sibling legacyWeakMap exist only to ease a transition to the modern store system, are deprecated, and will eventually disappear. They are needed for now to support some of the uses of the old behavior that are not compatible with the new. The constraint imposed by the new is that only passables can be used as values, and only keys (roughly, structures, aka comparables) can be used as values.


TODO Once that PR is merged, link to the documents rather than the PRs.

Each of these non-conforming uses should be marked with a

// Legacy because...

comment explaining the problem inhibiting conversion to the new system. Some of these problems as of this writing:

  • A promiseKit used as a value, even though a promiseKit is not a passable. Solutions are to make it a passable, or to convert the container back to a conventional JavaScript Map.
  • A mutable array used as a value, that is subsequently mutated. Freezing the array wouldn't work of course because it would break the subsequent mutation. Using a far object wrapping an array would likely work fine.

switch to ScalarMap if possible, Map otherwise