The directory to scan
options: { the bundle format to use
whether to include devDependencies
a swingset config object: { bootstrap: "bootstrap", vats: { NAME: { sourceSpec: PATHSTRING } } }
Where NAME is the name of the vat; sourceSpec
contains the path to the vat with that name. Note that
the bootstrap
property names the vat that should be used as the bootstrap vat. Although a swingset
configuration can designate any vat as its bootstrap vat, loadBasedir
will always look for a file named
'bootstrap.js' and use that (note that if there is no 'bootstrap.js', there will be no bootstrap vat).
Swingsets defined by scanning a directory in this manner define no devices.
Scan a directory for files defining the vats to bootstrap for a swingset, and produce a swingset config object for what was found there. Looks for files with names of the pattern
as well as a file named 'bootstrap.js'.