Of the dimensions on which KeyedStores can differ, we only represent a few of them as standard options. A given store maker should document which options it supports, as well as its positions on dimensions for which it does not support options.

interface StoreOptions {
    durable: undefined | boolean;
    fakeDurable: undefined | boolean;
    keyShape: Pattern;
    longLived: undefined | boolean;
    valueShape: Pattern;


durable: undefined | boolean

The contents of this store survive termination of its containing process, allowing for restart or upgrade but at the cost of forbidding storage of references to ephemeral data. Defaults to false.

fakeDurable: undefined | boolean

This store pretends to be a durable store but does not enforce that the things stored in it actually be themselves durable (whereas an actual durable store would forbid storage of such items). This is in service of allowing incremental transition to use of durable stores, to enable normal operation and testing when some stuff intended to eventually be durable has not yet been made durable. A store marked as fakeDurable will appear to operate normally but any attempt to upgrade its containing vat will fail with an error. Defaults to false.

keyShape: Pattern
longLived: undefined | boolean

Which way to optimize a weak store. True means that we expect this weak store to outlive most of its keys, in which case we internally may use a JavaScript WeakMap. Otherwise we internally may use a JavaScript Map. Defaults to true, so please mark short lived stores explicitly.

valueShape: Pattern