Module @agoric/cosmic-proto - v0.4.0


Protobuf interfaces for Agoric on Cosmos

npm install @agoric/cosmic-proto

TODO #9200

Import the agoric object from the Agoric bundle.

import { agoric } from '@agoric/cosmic-proto/agoric/bundle.js';

const {
} =;

⚡️ For web interfaces, we recommend using cosmos-kit. Continue below to see how to manually construct signers and clients.

Here are the docs on creating signers in cosmos-kit that can be used with Keplr and other wallets.

To broadcast messages, you can create signers with a variety of options:

Likely you'll want to use the Amino, so unless you need proto, you should use this one:

import { getOfflineSignerAmino as getOfflineSigner } from 'cosmjs-utils';
import { getOfflineSignerProto as getOfflineSigner } from 'cosmjs-utils';

WARNING: NOT RECOMMENDED TO USE PLAIN-TEXT MNEMONICS. Please take care of your security and use best practices such as AES encryption and/or methods from 12factor applications.

import { chains } from 'chain-registry';

const mnemonic =
'unfold client turtle either pilot stock floor glow toward bullet car science';
const chain = chains.find(({ chain_name }) => chain_name === 'agoric');
const signer = await getOfflineSigner({

Now that you have your stargateClient, you can broadcast messages:

const { send } =;

const msg = send({
amount: [
denom: 'coin',
amount: '1000'
toAddress: address,
fromAddress: address

const fee: StdFee = {
amount: [
denom: 'coin',
amount: '864'
gas: '86364'
const response = await stargateClient.signAndBroadcast(address, [msg], fee);

If you want to manually construct a stargate client

import { OfflineSigner, GeneratedType, Registry } from "@cosmjs/proto-signing";
import { AminoTypes, SigningStargateClient } from "@cosmjs/stargate";

import {
} from '@agoric/cosmic-proto';

const signer: OfflineSigner = /* create your signer (see above) */
const rpcEndpint = ''; // or another URL

const protoRegistry: ReadonlyArray<[string, GeneratedType]> = [

const aminoConverters = {

const registry = new Registry(protoRegistry);
const aminoTypes = new AminoTypes(aminoConverters);

const stargateClient = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(rpcEndpoint, signer, {

When first cloning the repo:

yarn build

For very basic unit tests:

yarn test

To test with a real network,

yarn test:live

Protos live in ./proto. Look inside of scripts/codegen.cjs and configure the settings for bundling your SDK into @agoric/cosmic-proto:

yarn codegen

Build the types and then publish:

yarn build
yarn publish

Checkout these related projects:

  • @cosmology/telescope Your Frontend Companion for Building with TypeScript with Cosmos SDK Modules.
  • chain-registry Everything from token symbols, logos, and IBC denominations for all assets you want to support in your application.
  • cosmos-kit Experience the convenience of connecting with a variety of web3 wallets through a single, streamlined interface.
  • create-cosmos-app Set up a modern Cosmos app by running one command.
  • interchain-ui The Interchain Design System, empowering developers with a flexible, easy-to-use UI kit.
  • starship Unified Testing and Development for the Interchain.

