
Re-exports AttemptDescription
Re-exports Bytes

Each character code carries 8-bit octets. Eventually we want to use passable Uint8Arrays.

Re-exports Closable
Re-exports ClosableI

A closable object

Re-exports CloseReason

The reason a connection was closed

Re-exports Connection
Re-exports ConnectionHandler

A handler for a given Connection

Re-exports ConnectionI
Re-exports Endpoint

A local or remote address See multiaddr.js for an opinionated router implementation

Re-exports ExoClassMethods

Rearrange the exo types to make a cast of the methods (M) and init function (I) to a specific type.

Re-exports InboundAttempt

An inbound connection attempt

Re-exports ListenHandler

A handler for incoming connections

Re-exports Port

A port that has been bound to a protocol

Re-exports Protocol

The network Protocol

Re-exports ProtocolHandler

A handler for things the protocol implementation will invoke

Re-exports ProtocolImpl

Things the protocol can do for us