
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so." -- Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

This package provides the definitions of branded time values, as well as "timerMath" functions to compute and combine timestamps and time deltas. It also defines the TimerService, a SwingSet service that provides notification when certain amounts of time have elapsed. The service itself is provided by the SwingSet kernel to the bootstrap vat, which might share it with other vat code.

In the Agoric platform, "time" is a number (a JS BigInt), but is not an absolute: there can be multiple sources of time, and their values are not comparable. A solo machine may have its own local clock ("wallclock time"), but this is different than the "chain time" that the voting members of a consensus machine (i.e. validators on a blockchain) agree upon. Two different chains will have unrelated clocks (they might both attempt to track UTC, but in general they won't track each other precisely, so any decisions about global ordering must involved messages and something like a Lamport Clock protocol).

We must avoid confusion, in particular we must avoid security vulnerabilities that arise when two parties think they've agreed upon an e.g. contract expiration time, but it turns out they were speaking about different units. To this end, each timestamp is associated with a "TimerBrand". The timerMath functions refuse to mingle differently-branded time values.

The TimerBrand is a powerless object, mainly used for its identity: you can compare two TimerBrands from different sources, and if they are equal, those sources are using compatible time values.

The TimerBrand object has two methods to support comparison:

  • timerbrand.isMyTimer(timerService) returns true if the TimerService matches the brand
  • timerbrand.isMyClock(clock) returns true if the Clock matches the brand

The Timestamp is a record which describes a specific moment in time (along with its brand). Given two Timestamps with the same brand, you can ask about equality and inequality ("which one happened first?").

You can also subtract one from the other to obtain a RelativeTime record. These deltas can be positive or negative. Then you can add a Timestamp and a RelativeTime to get a new Timestamp. Deltas can also be multiplied by a BigInt to replace repeated addition, and divided in certain circumstances.

The functions in timeMath.js describe the full range of things you can do with Timestamp and RelativeTime records.

A Clock is a read-only service that provides the "current" time. It is an object with two methods:

  • getCurrentTimestamp() => Timestamp
  • getTimerBrand() => TimerBrand

The TimerService is a service that allows one-shot or repeating "alarms" to be set. These can trigger user code at some point in the future.

This package defines the TimerService interfaces, but does not implement them. Time (specifically the ability to learn the current time, and to arrange for activity in the future) is a special IO authority, and must come from the host platform. The SwingSet kernel creates a "timer vat", and the host application must call special functions to teach it about the passage of time. Userspace code can only access TimerService if the bootstrap vat chooses to share access to this object.

The TimerService API provides three "one-shot" mechanisms:

  • ts.setWakeup(when, waker, cancelToken?) : calls E(waker).wake(when) upon triggering
  • ts.wakeAt(when, cancelToken?) : returns a Promise that resolves with when upon triggering
  • ts.delay(delay, cancelToken?) : returns a Promise that resolves with now+when at now units in the future

The optionsl cancelToken argument is an arbitrary remotely-referenceable object. If provided, a subsequent call to ts.cancel(cancelToken) will abandon the wakeup (unless it has fired already, in which case ts.cancel() is silently ignored). The waker is not notified of cancellation, but the APIs which use Promises will see those Promises rejected with an Error('TimerCancelled').

The API also provides three repeating mechanisms:

  • ts.makeRepeater(delay, interval, cancelToken?) returns a TimerRepeater configured to fire at now+delay, and then again at now+delay+interval, etc
    • to use it, you must call repeater.schedule(waker), which will be called just like ts.setWakeup)
    • the repeater doesn't reset until the waker's wake() method's return promise resolves
    • if that method throws an Error, the repeater is cancelled
    • you can call repeater.disable() to stop the repeater
    • each repeater can only have one active waker
  • ts.repeatAfter(delay, interval, handler, cancelToken?) takes a warker as the handler argument directly, which removes the need to call .schedule
  • ts.makeNotifier(delay, interval, cancelToken?) returns a Notifier, which fires with successive Timestamp values (now+delay, now+delay+interval, now+delay+2*interval, etc). As with all Notifiers, the subscriber must repeatedly call getUpdateSince() to keep getting new values.

The TimerService API also provides getClock() to retrieve a limited-authority Clock, and getTimerBrand() to return the particular brand that this service uses for all Timestamps. It also provides getCurrentTimestamp() directly.


