    | [op: "doFulfill", vow: HostVow, fulfillment: Host]
    | [op: "doReject", vow: HostVow, reason: Host]
    | [op: "doReturn", callIndex: number, result: Host]
    | [op: "doThrow", callIndex: number, problem: Host]
    | [op: "checkCall", target: Host, optVerb: PropertyKey | undefined, args: Host[], callIndex: number]
    | [op: "checkSendOnly", target: Host, optVerb: PropertyKey | undefined, args: Host[], callIndex: number]
    | [op: "checkSend", target: Host, optVerb: PropertyKey | undefined, args: Host[], callIndex: number]

This is the type alias for the membrane log entries we currently implement.

below for the full membrane log entry, which we do not yet support.