Register assets with the given ChainHub so they are available for lookup

  • Parameters

    • chainHub: Guarded<{
          getAsset(denom: string): undefined | DenomDetail;
          getChainInfo<K>(chainName: K): Vow<ActualChainInfo<K>>;
          getChainsAndConnection<C1, C2>(primaryName: C1, counterName: C2): Vow<[ActualChainInfo<C1>, ActualChainInfo<C2>, IBCConnectionInfo]>;
          getConnectionInfo(primary: string | {
              chainId: string;
          }, counter: string | {
              chainId: string;
          }): Vow<IBCConnectionInfo>;
          getDenom(brand: Brand): undefined | string;
          registerAsset(denom: string, detail: DenomDetail): void;
          registerChain(name: string, chainInfo: Readonly<{
              chainId: string;
              connections?: Record<string, IBCConnectionInfo>;
              icqEnabled?: boolean;
              stakingTokens?: readonly {
                  denom: string;
          }>): void;
          registerConnection(primaryChainId: string, counterpartyChainId: string, connectionInfo: IBCConnectionInfo): void;
    • name: string
    • assets: CosmosAssetInfo[]

    Returns void