Make a registry for use by the wallet instances.

This doesn't need to persist durably because the assetPublisher has a "pinned" topic and call to getAssetSubscription gets a fresh stream of all the assets that it knows of.

  • Parameters

    Returns {
        get: ((brand: Brand) => BrandDescriptor);
        has: ((brand: Brand) => boolean);
        values: (() => Iterable<BrandDescriptor, any, any>);

    • get: ((brand: Brand) => BrandDescriptor)
        • (brand): BrandDescriptor
        • Parameters

          • brand: Brand

          Returns BrandDescriptor

    • has: ((brand: Brand) => boolean)
        • (brand): boolean
        • Parameters

          • brand: Brand

          Returns boolean

    • values: (() => Iterable<BrandDescriptor, any, any>)
        • (): Iterable<BrandDescriptor, any, any>
        • Returns Iterable<BrandDescriptor, any, any>