• Endowments for a Timer device that can be made available to SwingSet vats.

    This is code that runs in the outer half of the device, which is in the primal realm. We provide a poll() function, which calls a device-level function that will be provided later when the device root node is created.

    The host loop should call poll on a regular basis, and then call controller.run() when it returns true.

    Returns {
        endowments: {
            registerDevicePollFunction: ((pollFn: any) => void);
        poll: ((time: number | bigint) => boolean);
        srcPath: string;

    • endowments: {
          registerDevicePollFunction: ((pollFn: any) => void);
      • registerDevicePollFunction: ((pollFn: any) => void)
          • (pollFn): void
          • Parameters

            • pollFn: any

            Returns void

    • poll: ((time: number | bigint) => boolean)
        • (time): boolean
        • Parameters

          • time: number | bigint

          Returns boolean

    • srcPath: string