Payment<K, M>: RemotableObject & TypeTag<{
    getAllegedBrand: (() => Brand<K>);
}, "Set-like value type", M>

Payments hold amount of digital assets of the same brand in transit. Payments can be deposited in purses, split into multiple payments, combined, and claimed (getting an exclusive payment). Payments are linear, meaning that either a payment has the same amount of digital assets it started with, or it is used up entirely. It is impossible to partially use a payment.

Payments are often received from other actors and therefore should not be trusted themselves. To get the amount of digital assets in a payment, use the trusted issuer: issuer.getAmountOf(payment),

Payments can be converted to Purses by getting a trusted issuer and calling issuer.makeEmptyPurse() to create a purse, then purse.deposit(payment).

Type Parameters