ZCFSeat: RemotableObject & {
    clear: (() => void);
    decrementBy: ((amountKeywordRecord: AmountKeywordRecord) => AmountKeywordRecord);
    exit: ((completion?: Completion) => void);
    fail: ZCFSeatFail;
    getAmountAllocated: (<B>(keyword: Keyword, brand?: B) => B extends Brand<infer K>
        ? Amount<K>
        : Amount);
    getCurrentAllocation: (() => Allocation);
    getProposal: (() => ProposalRecord);
    getStagedAllocation: (() => Allocation);
    getSubscriber: (() => Promise<Subscriber<Allocation>>);
    hasExited: (() => boolean);
    hasStagedAllocation: (() => boolean);
    incrementBy: ((amountKeywordRecord: AmountKeywordRecord) => AmountKeywordRecord);
    isOfferSafe: ((newAllocation: Allocation) => boolean);

Type declaration

  • clear: (() => void)

    Use atomicRearrange instead

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • decrementBy: ((amountKeywordRecord: AmountKeywordRecord) => AmountKeywordRecord)

    Use atomicRearrange instead

  • exit: ((completion?: Completion) => void)
      • (completion?): void
      • Parameters

        Returns void

  • fail: ZCFSeatFail
  • getAmountAllocated: (<B>(keyword: Keyword, brand?: B) => B extends Brand<infer K>
        ? Amount<K>
        : Amount)
      • <B>(keyword, brand?): B extends Brand<infer K>
            ? Amount<K>
            : Amount
      • Type Parameters

        • B extends Brand


        • keyword: Keyword
        • Optionalbrand: B

          used for filling in an empty amount if the keyword is not present in the allocation

        Returns B extends Brand<infer K>
            ? Amount<K>
            : Amount

  • getCurrentAllocation: (() => Allocation)
      • (): Allocation
      • Returns Allocation

  • getProposal: (() => ProposalRecord)
  • getStagedAllocation: (() => Allocation)

    Use atomicRearrange instead

      • (): Allocation
      • Returns Allocation

  • getSubscriber: (() => Promise<Subscriber<Allocation>>)
  • hasExited: (() => boolean)
      • (): boolean
      • Returns boolean

  • hasStagedAllocation: (() => boolean)

    Use atomicRearrange instead

      • (): boolean
      • Returns boolean

  • incrementBy: ((amountKeywordRecord: AmountKeywordRecord) => AmountKeywordRecord)

    Use atomicRearrange instead

  • isOfferSafe: ((newAllocation: Allocation) => boolean)
      • (newAllocation): boolean
      • Parameters

        • newAllocation: Allocation

        Returns boolean