Methods supported only on Agoric chain accounts

interface LocalAccountMethods {
    deposit: ((payment: Payment<"nat">) => Promise<void>);
    monitorTransfers: ((tap: TargetApp) => Promise<TargetRegistration>);
    withdraw: ((amount: NatAmount) => Promise<Payment<"nat">>);


deposit: ((payment: Payment<"nat">) => Promise<void>)

deposit payment (from zoe, for example) to the account

monitorTransfers: ((tap: TargetApp) => Promise<TargetRegistration>)

Register a handler that receives an event each time ICS-20 transfers are sent or received by the underlying account. Each account may be associated with at most one handler at a given time. Does not grant the handler the ability to intercept a transfer. For a blocking handler, aka 'IBC Hooks', leverage registerActiveTap from transferMiddleware directly.

withdraw: ((amount: NatAmount) => Promise<Payment<"nat">>)

withdraw a Payment from the account